Based on a comprehensive communication strategy, an analysis is conducted to determine where information should be placed in a timely, ethical, and transparent manner.
CLC advises its clients on building and maintaining valuable relationships with traditional and alternative media, columnists, and opinion shapers. This relationship aims to strategically position the projects and interests of the organization and company to achieve positive results. Additionally, the positioning of relevant issues is managed across various news platforms in the current broad spectrum of journalistic proposals.
CLC provides media management, which encompasses the various occasions when spokespersons can interact with the press. It is important to emphasize that in this protocol, CLC outlines the actions to be taken by those responsible for the organization's spokesperson role. Media management is the central element of this protocol. We can engage with the press in a reactive or proactive manner.
A more focused and effective approach to engaging with media to strategically position the organization’s projects and values.

Also known as “Media Training,” this is an essential practice within the relationship-building process to achieve assertive communication with stakeholders. CLC offers training seminars that provide the necessary elements for the spokesperson or spokespersons to prepare when facing a dynamic communication process with their stakeholders and/or the media.
CLC continuously monitors the organization's topics of interest in the different media (print, radio or digital), which allows for the generation of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the situation through a press clipping (observation report). This technique measures what the media is saying and its focus, which allows for taking reactive or proactive strategic actions in response to situations.
Monitoring may include only digital or traditional media with national or regional coverage, depending on the client's interest.
An analysis is conducted to assess the reach achieved in communication management, where the PRValue obtained is visualized through a report presented in a traffic light format and reach metrics.