CLC team is exceptionally organized, delivers outstanding monitoring, key reports, and is especially adept at building relationships and reaching a multifaceted reach of stakeholders to advance policy goals.

In managing several external counsels and lobbyists around the globe, Pablo is by far the best I’ve worked with.

Chloe Myshel Burke
Public Policy Manager Central
America and Caribean
Pablo is an exceptional leader, strategist, lobbyist, lawyer, and zealous advocate for his clients. His ability to build a strategy even when starting behind, late, or what would be deemed a minimal likelihood of success is unrivaled, He and his team supported and led our team in established a foothold in the region. He is trustworthy and well connected at every level across sectors. His team is also exceptionally organized, delivers outstanding monitoring, key reports, and is especially adept at building relationships and reaching
a multifaceted reach of stakeholders to advance policy goals. In managing several external counsels and lobbyists around the globe, Pablo is by far the best I’ve worked with.

Zoraida Rodríguez
Public Policy Manager Central America and Caribean
Pablo´s work is synonymous of excellence. He is very dedicated, insightful, results-oriented and with a strategic mindset. He has exceptional management skills with his team, and he always achieves to adapt to our changing requests. His enthusiasm and dedication to every project make our life easier every day.

Pilar Sáinz Egea
Fashion Designer Owner- Pilar Sáinz Madrid
El trabajo que nos ofreció Pablo y su equipo CLC Comunicación ha sido y es excelente. Aparte de su gran capacidad de liderazgo y negociación, se trata de una persona con una visión global que captó inmediatamente las necesidades de nuestra empresa. Su equipo es altamente cualificado, nos gustó mucho el compromiso, el rigor y la persistencia con la que abordan cada una de las tareas asignadas. Un lujo encontrarse con personas profesionales que tienden puentes entre los diferentes mundos.

Fabrizzio Berrocal
Creative Director and Owner at
Fabrizzio Berrocal
Gran profesional, y persona. Con una experiencia y olfato en Relaciones Públicas y Corporativas que pocas veces he visto. Su equipo de trabajo en CLC es increible, definitivamente han sido un key player en el crecimiento de nuestra marca.

Jessy Chacon
External Affairs Manager Costa Rica,
DR and Panamá
Pablo es un excelente profesional, conocedor del ámbito político y económico del país. Su experiencia laboral le permite tener un claro panorama de la actualidad nacional, por lo que brinda a sus clientes recomendaciones certeras y eficaces para el presente y el futuro, lo que es fundamental para alcanzar los objetivo.

Hugo Rodríguez
Public Policy & Government Relations Director Mexico, Central America
& The Caribbean
Pablo es un diplomático consumado, con visión regresiva estratégica y siempre con una actitud muy profesional. En los proyectos que emprendimos juntos siempre se desempeñó al 100%.

Peter-Alberto Behrens
Director Programa Regional "Medios
de Comunicación y Democracia en América Latina“
I had the pleasure of working with Pablo in supporting organisations and democratic institutions all over Latin America. If there is some trait that distinguishes him, it is with no doubt, his sense for quality. In every thing he does he has not only the eye for details, but the mindset for doing "right thing the right way". Needless to say, Pablo is a marvellous person with whom I would work again at any time, any place.

Jorge Calderón
Vice President of Corporate Affairs
and Government Relations Latin America
Pablo and his company CLC, has been a formidable support to maintain our
license to operate and license to grow in Central America, crisis management and the possibility of having a holistic approach between communications, reputation and management of public affairs has been
key to Cargill.

Hugo García
General Director at Continum Datacenter
Pablo has been an instrumental allied for Desca’s commercial team over the last 2+ years that we’ve been working together. His always prompt assistance, guidance, experience and professionalism has given us critical tools to manage properly important projects & negotiations.